Economic Horizons: Reviews of Research by Participants in NES Popular Science Projects


NES is happy to present a new project by the GURU portal – a collection titled "Economic Horizons," featuring brief overviews of the research papers published recently by NES by professors, graduates, and friends who have participated in the School's popular science projects. This compilation covers studies on a wide range of topics, including macro and microeconomics, media, economic history, neuroeconomics, labor markets, finance, and marketing.

For instance, how can one learn to follow informed market participants? How did industrialization affect the popularity of the Bolsheviks? Why do people sometimes behave badly when trying to make a good impression? How does the brain make decisions about whether to take risks or not? And is it true that "to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away"?

The brochure is available below in a preview mode. To get full access to all materials mentioned in the brochure, please download the document in PDF format VIA THE LINK.


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