16 September 2020

Inequality, social insecurity, environment, migration, and slowing economic growth are among the main problems of today's global economy. However, in the public discussion and among scientists, these problems are often seen quite differently. For example, contrary to popular belief, economists know that wages of migrants in a new place of life increase strongly, while the local population does not see their wages fall at all, and wages of those who decide to stay in their villages in a poor country also increases. What myths are there today related to economic policy? And what solutions to the most pressing economic problems do modern researchers have?

Esther Duflo
Esther Duflo | Lecturer
Esther Duflo Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), specializing in poverty alleviation and development economics, co-founder of the Poverty Alleviation Laboratory. Abdul Latif Jamil (J-PAL). Received her PhD from MIT. Esther Duflo studies the economic behavior of the poor in order to design effective social measures to combat poverty and to properly assess existing programs. She has received numerous awards, including the 2019 Alfred Nobel Memorial Economics Prize "for an Experimental Approach to Tackling Global Poverty" (with co-authors Abhijit Banerjee and Michael Kremer).
Ruben Enikolopov
Спикер Рубен Ениколопов | Научно-популярный портал РЭШ Received his PhD in economics from Harvard University. Since 2008 he has been a professor at NES, and since 2013 - a professor at the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain). One of the leading experts in the field of economic data analysis. The professor's research is published in the top 5 scientific journals in economics according to Scopus.