05 November 2020

The global spread of the mobile Internet has dramatically increased information accessibility, leading to a drop in trust in governments around the world. This effect is weaker in countries where traditional media are more independent. Meanwhile, the mobile Internet affects trust in government only if there is no online censorship. How does this effect depend on the level of corruption in the country? Which parties benefit and which lose from the spread of the mobile Internet?

Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya | Lecturer
Professor at the Paris School of Economics, laureate of the International Leontief Medal, the Birgit Grodal Award, the Silver Medal of the National Center for Scientific Research (France) and many other awards
Ruben Enikolopov
Спикер Рубен Ениколопов | Научно-популярный портал РЭШ Received his PhD in economics from Harvard University. Since 2008 he has been a professor at NES, and since 2013 - a professor at the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain). One of the leading experts in the field of economic data analysis. The professor's research is published in the top 5 scientific journals in economics according to Scopus.